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Haider Alzaeem, born and raised in Iraq, a graduate from the University of Baghdad – College of  Law, studied Fine Arts at the University of the Arts, in Iraq and then also London.  He is a Director of Animation and a Filmmaker at Cartoon Network Studio in the UK. Previously, Haider worked in animation design in other establishments that are world renowned for their high reputation in animated movies and advertising commercials.


  During his journey into animation and design, he also kept exploring different paint mediums and in 2010, he finally decided to turn his passion for art into a profession. Since that day, there has been no looking back. Haider found immense pleasure in painting and drawing. This recreational activity soon blossomed into a passionate hobby, as his interest in artistic interpretations and depictions grew.


  Haider, an artist with more than 20 years experience loves exploring and traveling his picturesque world. His vision stems from his innate ability to perceive the reality and beauty in everything. An avid admirer of Mother Nature, Haider loves spending time outdoors. His oil paintings are inspired by outdoor adventures, usually an evening walk in the neighboring hills and fields, and his inspiration is drawn from his surroundings and everyday life. He often prepares sketches or small “en plein air” studies, on location with the intention of capturing colour and light. His unique visual simplicity emerges from a black canvas, encompassing the sophistication of his muse, making critical decisions with almost every brush stroke with his light, as he transforms a blank canvas into beautiful landscapes, portraits or still life. A lot of the sketches and designs are inspired with the help of several reference photographs and then translated into bigger studio pieces.


  In his journey into the world of art, Haider has experimented with several mediums, such as acrylics, pastels, pencil-colour and watercolours, however, oils tend to be his most preferred medium. Being a self-taught and self-represented artist before he studied under the best teacher in art gives him the freedom and proficiency to express himself with oils and other mediums, his work has evolved through his own personal experiences. Being self-directed and motivated, the internet has always been his greatest resource for information, inspiration, tenacity and techniques. He strives to improve his craft with every new landscape or wildlife picture he paints.


  Haider is primarily an oil painter and his art reflects the illusionistic realism and the accurate depiction of life, perspective, and the details of light and colour. His work is currently exhibited in many different galleries and exhibitions worldwide, and he works from his home studio in Baghdad, Iraq.  Currently my body of art is exhibited many cities including the UK, USA, Italy, France, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Tunisia. Among many accolades, most recently he was awarded First Place in an international pencil-coloured art competition in the USA, by “Prismacolor” for the pencil drawing and artwork. 


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